How i9everywhere Audit Service Works

I-9 & E-Verify Auditing Services

When it comes to complying with federal regulations, properly completing and maintaining Form I-9 is crucial for every U.S. employer. Our i9everywhere and E-Verify Manager platforms are designed to streamline your I-9 process, correct past errors, and ensure perfect compliance going forward. Below is an overview of how our auditing process works and why it’s important for your organization. Why Perform an I-9 Audit?

Our Recommended First Step


Pull a Roster

  • Gather a list of all current employees as well as terminated employees still under the 3/1 rule.
  • This ensures you have a complete view of who needs an active I-9 form on file.


Collect All Paper or Digital Files

  • Locate every existing I-9 record (paper or digital) that falls under the required retention window.
  • Send these files to our team for a thorough review.


Launch i9everywhere & E-Verify Manager

  • We’ll activate our services so that all future hires are processed perfectly.
  • This helps prevent recurring mistakes and simplifies your long-term compliance.

How the Audit Works


Review & Document

  • Our experts examine each I-9 form for accuracy, completeness, and compliance with USCIS guidelines.
  • Any errors or missing data are documented for correction if legally permissible.


Corrections & Remediation

  • For current employees, we’ll issue corrective I-9s if needed.
  • For past employees still under the retention requirement, we’ll note any missing or erroneous forms.
  • We only perform corrections that are allowed by law—ensuring full compliance.



  • Our platform automatically archives or deletes I-9s on the exact date they are eligible for removal.
  • This ensures you keep only the records you need, for the legally required timeframe.

Benefits of Using Our Services

Ready to ensure your I-9 and E-Verify compliance?


Contact Us to schedule an initial consultation


Compile your employee roster (current & terminated under the 3/1 rule) plus any existing I-9 forms.


Send them our way, and we’ll handle the rest!

If you have questions or want more details on how our I-9 & E-Verify Auditing Services can help your organization, please reach out. We’re here to make compliance simple, efficient, and worry-free.